ENV 74 The Awakening -100x100cm - Artists Collection £800

ENV 76 Lake or Inlet 80x80xm £450

ENV 75 Red Morning & Evening 60x60cm - £350

ENV 78 Experiences 80x80cm £550

ENV 79 Yellow Morning II 80x80cm £500

ENV 80 Purple Haze 60x60cm - SOLD

ENV 88 Yellow and Blue Sea or Lake 1mx1m - £600

ENV 82 Eclipse over the Islands 110x80cm - £600

ENV 87 Cornwall to the Canaries 80x80cm - SOLD

ENV 83 Shimmering Sun 100x100cm - £600

ENV 89 - Breaking Light 100x100 - £600

ENV 93 Seaside 60x60cm SOLD

ENV 94 Cornish Waves 50x50cm SOLD